Wednesday, June 6, 2012

June Birthstone: Moonstone

Happy Birthday to all our June readers!

The Moonstone is one of your birthstones!  According to American Gem Society, your three birthstones are Pearl, Alexadrite, and Moonstone.  Did you know Moonstone is considered a sacred stone in India?  Let's learn a little more about this pretty gemstone from the American Gem Society:
It was given its name by the Roman natural historian Pliny, who wrote that moonstone's appearance altered with the phases of the moon — a belief that held until well after the sixteenth century.  Moonstones show a floating play of light (called adularescence) and sometimes show either a multirayed star or a cat's eye. Considered a sacred stone in India, moonstones often are displayed on a background of yellow (a sacred color) and are believed to encapsulate within the stone a spirit whose purpose is to bring good fortune.  

Of course Monsieur Pamplemousse makes a birthstone necklace for you!  Check out this beauty: made of Moonstone, Labradorite, and 14k gold fill.  Want to buy it for yourself or as a rock star birthday gift for your favorite June girl?  Contact Alex via email or on our facebook page, but hurry, this piece is one of a kind!


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